
What is a reasonable fund fee?

If you detect a rate higher than 1.5% and certainly higher than 2%, know that you can do better. That's why experts recommend passively managed funds, such as Gold backed IRA accounts, since many funds have fees. A general rule often cited by advisors and fund literature is that investors should try not to pay more than 1.5% for an equity fund or a Gold backed IRA account. Let's say you send two teams of runners to run a marathon, but you need one team to carry 25-pound backpacks. Which team do you think is most likely to have the best average time? What is reasonable? It depends on the type of fund.

Index funds should have the lowest fees, since they cost relatively little to operate. You can easily find an S&P 500 index fund with an expense ratio of less than 0.2%, for example. For mutual funds that invest in large U.S. companies, look for an expense ratio of no more than 1%.

And for funds that invest in small or international companies, which usually require more research, look for an expense ratio of no more than 1.25%. Some funds may charge extremely low spending rates, but they add initial and secondary burdens. Or they can offer an introductory or short-term spending ratio that will increase later on. Or they could reduce the costs of one fund but increase the costs of others to offset them.

It can be difficult for the average investor to get an idea of how much is paid for a particular fund. International funds invest in many countries and, as a result, often require staff all over the world. As a result, international funds tend to have substantially higher payroll and research expenses compared to single-country funds that invest in a single country. Funds that invest in smaller companies usually incur higher research and negotiation costs compared to the costs associated with funds that invest in larger companies.

Although commonly referred to as fees, mutual funds charge investors what is called an expense ratio as payment for fund management. That could include “anywhere from a few days to more than a year, depending on the fund,” according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. In general, funds that employ a quantitative strategy should charge less than funds that use a fundamental approach. In addition to understanding how mutual funds work to help you create the best portfolio for you, a little understanding of mutual fund fees can go a long way toward building up your retirement savings.

The stock fund in the highest-cost quartile had an average annual return of 6.9%, while the average fund of the lowest cost quartile had an average annual return of 7.8%. In addition, fixed income analysts and managers who conduct fundamental research usually receive compensation at a level almost comparable to those engaged in equity research. Fees are a very important factor for anyone who decides to buy a particular fixed-income fund, since there is a high correlation between expenses and the performance of the fixed-income fund. The highest-cost quartile taxable bond fund had an average annual return of 4.0%, while the lowest-cost quartile median fund had an average annual return of 4.4%.

From ETFs and mutual funds to stocks and bonds, find all the investments you're looking for in one place. As a result, it is very difficult for a small-cap fund manager to rely on secondary research as the basis for their investment decisions.